Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello Everyone!

It was a long plane flight, but i am finally here in Israel at the dead sea. It's hot, and after 2 hours of driving i reached my destination. But it was worth it! As always, i am having a great time learning about tectonic plates in different regions. The plates around the mediterranean area are the African plate and the Arabian plate. This zone is a divergent boundary, and you will find volcanoes all around the mediterranean area, especially the northeastern Mediterranean's coastline and Italy. That whole region is one big divergent boundary. These volcanoes form in divergent boundaries when the plates pull away from each other and opens a space in the earth where molten lava spurts out. This lava also creates the new rock. That is why you will find new rock near volcanoes.

Be sure to check in! new blogs coming. I must go for now, i am getting a bit hungry.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a great time! We need to hang out and place some COD when you get back!
